Our Blog

Why your surveys are fundamentally failing you
Unfortunately, many organisations still base major decisions and spends on the data from traditional explicit surveys alone. The problem is, explicit surveys often fail to measure the truth. Implicit methods are a far superior alternative. Why? Read on.

How well supported is Neurodiversity?
We recently carried out a global assessment into how effectively neurodiversity is supported in the workplace to measure how far business has come in creating neuroinclusive workplaces. You can download the full report. Read more…

Findings From Our Neurotech® Climate Change Survey - You Won’t Believe What We Discovered
Lily Brough uncovers the alarming findings from our climate change survey …

How Do You Really Feel About Climate Change?
In response to the IPCC report and COP26, we’re running a global Neurotech® survey to discover how people really feel about climate change. You can take part!