How Do You Really Feel About Climate Change?

gif cartoon: man shrugging asking How do you really feel about climate change? with image of burning tree and flooding globe, then woman with phone and words: Please take our survey and we'll share the results! Website and QR code as in text below

Global warming is back in the headlines.

In response to the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we’re running a global Neurotech® survey to discover how people really feel about climate change.

The survey won’t take long, it's available for anyone to access and we’ll share the findings to give us all a true picture of public sentiment towards climate change.

It’s anonymous, simple, fully accessible and fun to take. This is not like other surveys!

Why Neurotech®?

What we say and how we actually feel are often inconsistent - for many different and valid reasons. Using Neurotech®, we can measure an individual’s true depth of commitment. We capture responses at a nonconscious level, bypassing the conscious biases that can affect what we say, allowing us access to the unmoderated truth. There’s also a short traditional survey, so we can compare what people are saying with how they really feel.

We all need to know the truth of public sentiment, so we can judge how much work still needs to be done and whether global action on climate change is likely to succeed.

Know the facts - Read the IPCC report

QR code to scan to share how you really feel about climate change



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